Tag debt


Debt Free

New Clients On the Road to Becoming Debt-Free At the start of a debt management plan (DMP), CCCS and clients are trying to get creditors to agree to proposals, finalize amounts, and update due dates.  In the first three months…

Free Credit Monitoring

Free Credit Monitoring

Want free credit monitoring during the COV-19 pandemic? Click here to see the details in a report from WJCL’s Asa Aaron Smith. Also, click here to get more information about credit scores. Click here to get access to your report…

Success Story

Success Story

Meet Berlinda: CCCS Success Story To become a success story, contact us: For information on avoiding debt settlement:

The Millers

The Millers successfully paid off $43,375 in debt with CCCS’ debt management plan (DMP). Here’s what they had to say about their situation: “The debt was very stressful and paying bills was something I dreaded doing each month…After being referred…

Catholic Sentinel Features CCCS

Catholic Sentinel

A Catholic Sentinel article featured CCCS Director of Education, Richard Reeve yesterday. Mr. Reeve presented at a conference in Portland alongside Catholic Charities of Oregon and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. The focus of this conference was on credit, debt,…

Debt Settlement: What you Need to Know.

Mortgage Initiative from the CFPB

Debt settlement companies target financially distressed people and offer to negotiate with creditors on their behalf. These companies do this in an attempt to reach a lump sum settlement for less than the full amount owed. But, this practice exposes…

Inner Financial Child

Inner Financial Child

Inner Financial Child: Many of our money habits are learned from our parents and other family members. Some are good habits and some are not so good. It’s often that we do not realize our financial habits until we are…